Package : perl-CatalystX-CRUD

Package details

Summary: CRUD framework for Catalyst applications

This document is an overview of the CatalystX::CRUD framework and API.

CatalystX::CRUD provides a simple and generic API for Catalyst CRUD
applications. CatalystX::CRUD is agnostic with regard to data model and
data input, instead providing a common API that different projects can
implement for greater compatibility with one another.

The project was born out of a desire to make Rose::HTML::Objects easy to
use with Rose::DB::Object and DBIx::Class ORMs, using the
Catalyst::Controller::Rose project. However, any ORM could implement the
CatalystX::CRUD::Model API, and any form management project could use the
resulting CatalystX::CRUD::Model subclass.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: buchan

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