Package : php-pdo_odbc

Package details

Summary: ODBC v3 Interface driver for PDO

PDO_ODBC is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to
enable access from PHP to databases through ODBC drivers or through the IBM DB2
Call Level Interface (DB2 CLI) library. PDO_ODBC currently supports three
different "flavours" of database drivers:

- ibm-db2 - Supports access to IBM DB2 Universal Database, Cloudscape, and
Apache Derby servers through the free DB2 client. ibm-db2 is not
supported in Mageia.

- unixODBC - Supports access to database servers through the unixODBC driver
manager and the database's own ODBC drivers.

- generic - Offers a compile option for ODBC driver managers that are not
explicitly supported by PDO_ODBC.

License: PHP License

Maintainer: mokraemer

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