Package : perl-MooseX-Validation-Doctypes

Package details

Summary: Moose type constraint for validating doctypes

NOTE: The API for this module is still in flux as I try to decide on how it
should work. You have been warned!

This module allows you to declare the Moose manpage type constraints to
validate nested data structures as you may get back from a JSON web service
or something along those lines. The doctype declaration can be any
arbitrarily nested structure of hashrefs and arrayrefs, and will be used to
validate a data structure which has that same form. The leaf values in the
doctype should be Moose type constraints, which will be used to validate
the leaf nodes in the given data structure.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-MooseX-Validation-Doctypes using the current filters, try other values.