Package : perl-MooX-Role-Pluggable

Package details

Summary: MooX::Role::Pluggable EAT values

A the Moo::Role manpage for turning instances of your class into pluggable
objects. Consumers of this role gain a plugin pipeline and methods to
manipulate it, as well as a flexible dispatch system (see the
/_pluggable_process manpage).

The logic and behavior is based almost entirely on the Object::Pluggable
manpage. Some methods are the same; implementation & interface differ some
(dispatch is slightly faster, also) and you will still want to read
thoroughly if coming from the Object::Pluggable manpage.

It may be worth noting that this is nothing at all like the Moose
counterpart the MooseX::Role::Pluggable manpage. If the names confuse ...
well, I lacked for better ideas. ;-)

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-MooX-Role-Pluggable using the current filters, try other values.