Package : perl-MooX-Role-POE-Emitter

Package details

Summary: Pluggable POE event emitter role for cows

This is a the Moo::Role manpage for a the POE manpage Observer Pattern
implementation; it is derived from the POE::Component::Syndicator manpage
by BINGOS, HINRIK, APOCAL et al, but with more cows ;-)

Consuming this role gives your class a the POE::Session manpage capable of
emitting events to loaded plugins and registered "listener" sessions. It
also brings in the MooX::Role::Pluggable manpage, making your emitter
pluggable (see the the MooX::Role::Pluggable manpage documentation for
plugin-related details).

You do not need to create your own the POE::Session manpage; calling the
/_start_emitter manpage will spawn one for you.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-MooX-Role-POE-Emitter using the current filters, try other values.