Package : perl-Module-Build-WithXSpp

Package details

Summary: XS++ enhanced flavour of Module::Build

This subclass of the Module::Build manpage adds some tools and processes to
make it easier to use for wrapping C++ using XS++ (the ExtUtils::XSpp

There are a few minor differences from using 'Module::Build' for an
ordinary XS module and a few conventions that you should be aware of as an
XS++ module author. They are documented in the the /"FEATURES AND
CONVENTIONS" manpage section below. But if you can't be bothered to read
all that, you may choose skip it and blindly follow the advice in the

An example of a full distribution based on this build tool can be found in
the the ExtUtils::XSpp manpage distribution under _examples/XSpp-Example_.
Using that example as the basis for your 'Module::Build::WithXSpp'-based
distribution is probably a good idea.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-Module-Build-WithXSpp using the current filters, try other values.