Package : perl-IO-Detect

Package details

Summary: Is this a frickin' filehandle or what?!

It is stupidly complicated to detect whether a given scalar is a filehandle
(or something filehandle like) in Perl. This module attempts to do so, but
probably falls short in some cases. The primary advantage of using this
module is that it gives you somebody to blame (me) if your code can't
detect a filehandle.

The main use case for IO::Detect is for when you are writing functions and
you want to allow the caller to pass a file as an argument without being
fussy as to whether they pass a file name or a file handle.

Each function takes a single argument, or if called with no argument,
operates on '$_'.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-IO-Detect using the current filters, try other values.