Package : perl-Data-Validate-Type

Package details

Summary: Public interface encapsulating Params::Util to offer data type validation functions that pass PerlCritic

Params::Util is a wonderful module, but suffers from a few drawbacks:
- Function names start with an underscore, which is usually used to
indicate private functions.
- Function names are uppercase, which is usually used to indicate file
handles or constants.
- Function names don't pass PerlCritic's validation, making them
problematic to import.

Functions use by default the convention that collection that collections
need to not be empty to be valid (see _ARRAY0/_ARRAY for example), which
is counter-intuitive.

Those drawbacks are purely cosmetic and don't affect the usefulness of
the functions, so this module encapsulates the functions to offer an API
that fixes these problems.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for perl-Data-Validate-Type using the current filters, try other values.