Package : kernel-vserver-3.7.10-1.mga3

Package details

Summary: Linux Kernel for vserver use with i586 & 4GB RAM


This kernel is compiled for vserver use, single or multiple i586
processor(s)/core(s) and a maximum of 3GB RAM, using HZ_1000, no
preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler.
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between
up & smp mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel
to boot in single processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.

NOTE: This kernel is only patched with vserver patch.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for kernel-vserver-3.7.10-1.mga3 using the current filters, try other values.