
Latest updates

wordpress Personal publishing platform 3.9.9
ganglia-web Ganglia Web Frontend 3.5.10
lib64ldap2.4_2 OpenLDAP libraries 2.4.38
lib64ldap2.4_2-devel OpenLDAP development libraries and header files 2.4.38
lib64ldap2.4_2-static-devel OpenLDAP development static libraries 2.4.38
openldap-back_bdb Berkeley DB backends for OpenLDAP server 2.4.38

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Latest backports

fgrun Graphical launcher for the FlightGear flight simulator 3.2.0
flightgear-data The data for FlightGear Flight Simulator 3.2.0
flightgear The FlightGear Flight Simulator 3.2.0
simgear Basic tools for Simulation 3.2.0
simgear-devel Headers/misc for developing programs that will use simgear 3.2.0

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